BizTECH "Tech-Skills Training for Non-Techies" & BTSD - Business & Technology Skills Development Training Programs are uniquely designed for both Newbies to the world of computing technology, or for those who have a comfortable or advanced level of familiarity with business computing – BizTECH & BTSD Training Modules provide:
- Unlimited Access monthly to Online Work Tools & Training Resources;
- Focus-Training Sessions Scheduled to Your Convenience as available;
- 8-10 (16+hrs.) Monthly Hands-On & Tutor Supported Tech-Training Sessions;
- Access to Agency Portal for Online Training & Client Management;
- Access to In-House Computing & Training Resources & Special-Focus T3 Workshops at our Learning Resource Center (LRC).
Future-Proof Yourself ⇒ Register Now & GET STARTED
Also check your Email Inbox for LOGIN Details to access our Training Portal. PROGRAM STRUCTURE & FEES
BizTECH "Tech-Skills Training for Non-Techies" & BTSD
- The continuing program can be accessed remotely by Trainees who have acquired necessary training and proficiency, being able to engage in related engagement activities online and via our agency portal.
- PLEASE NOTE that some premium software applications, training tools and resources are only available via on-site licenses and may not be readily available online for remote access, in which case, guided access to alternative & substitute applications will be provided.
- This Training Program is offered at a limited subsidized cost of tt$450 (us$70) Monthly (over a 3-mth. term & training cycle), or tt$1,200 (us$175) for the 3-Month Term Cycle.
- Online Work Tools & Training Resources;
- Scheduled to Your Convenience as available;
- Hands-On & Tutor Supported Tech-Training;
- Online CRM Training & Client Management;
- Special-Focus T3 (Tools, Tips & Tricks) Training Workshops.
Future-Proof Yourself for new career opportunities & achievement of your future goals REGISTER for VA & OBM Programs!
To Your Success
VAPS Training Academy
Phone: (868) 217 5975 / 222 8118 (Office) or (305) 400 4865.
WA/Ph. Contacts: (868) 217 5975 or (868) 222 8118 (Office)
PS After Registration . . . please find LOGIN Credentials in your Email Inbox.
- Login to your Personal Account on our Agency CRM Portal for direct communications and possible upload of any supporting documents to your Private Profile.